
Neko User Guide

Neko - Your Friendly Task Management Cat Chatbot

Neko is a cute, friendly task management chatbot designed to help you manage your daily tasks efficiently. Neko can add, delete, mark tasks as done, and even list all tasks in your schedule. Whether you’re organizing deadlines, events, or simple to-do lists, Neko is here to help you keep everything on track with ease.


1. Adding To-do Tasks

You can add simple to-do tasks to your task list using the add todo command. This is perfect for quick tasks that don’t have specific deadlines.

2. Adding Deadlines

You can add tasks with a specific deadline using the add deadline command. This feature allows you to keep track of tasks that must be completed by a certain date and time.

3. Adding Events

Neko can also help manage events that span over a period of time. Use the add event command to log events that have both a start and end date/time.

4. Listing Tasks

You can easily view all your tasks by using the list command. Neko will show you all the tasks you have added, whether they are to-do items, deadlines, or events.

5. Marking Tasks as Done

Neko allows you to mark tasks as done once you have completed them. You can also mark multiple tasks at once by providing their indices separated by spaces.

6. Unmarking Tasks

If you mistakenly mark a task as done, you can easily unmark it.

7. Deleting Tasks

If you no longer need a task, you can delete it using the delete command. You can also delete multiple tasks at once by providing their indices separated by spaces.

8. Finding Tasks

Need to find a task quickly? Use the find command to search for tasks based on keywords.

9. Viewing Tasks on a Specific Date

You can view all tasks scheduled on a specific date using the view [date] command.

10. Help Command

If you’re ever lost and need to know what commands Neko can handle, just type help.

Here are the available commands meow!

1. list - Displays all the tasks in the list
2. add todo [description] - Adds a new Todo task
3. add deadline [description] /by [deadline] - Adds a new Deadline task
4. add event [description] /from [start time] /to [end time] - Adds a new Event task
5. mark [task number] - Marks the task at the given index as done
6. unmark [task number] - Marks the task at the given index as not done
7. delete [task number] - Deletes the task at the given index
8. find [keyword] - Finds tasks that match the given keyword
9. view [date] - Views the tasks scheduled on the given date
10. help - Shows this list of commands

11. Exit Command

To exit the Neko chatbot, use the bye command. This will stop the chatbot and close the application.

Command Description
add todo [description] Adds a new To-do task to the list
add deadline [description] /by [yyyyMMddTHH:mm] Adds a new Deadline task with a specific date and time
add event [description] /from [yyyyMMddTHH:mm] /to [yyyyMMddTHH:mm] Adds a new Event task with a start and end date/time
list Displays all the tasks in the list
mark [task number] Marks a task as done
unmark [task number] Marks a task as not done
delete [task number] Deletes a task from the list
find [keyword] Finds tasks that match the given keyword
view [yyyyMMdd] Displays tasks scheduled on the given date
help Displays the list of available commands
bye Exit the Neko chatbot


Neko is designed to make task management as easy and fun as possible with its interactive and intuitive command-line interface. Whether you’re managing deadlines or long events, Neko has you covered with just a few simple commands. Keep your tasks organized and let Neko handle the details.